
Articles Posted in Divorce


What is Contempt of a Court Order in New York Divorce and Family Law?

The complex nature of family law or divorce proceedings means cases rarely go as smoothly as one might hope. While working with the correct divorce or family law attorney can help to make the process more straightforward, there are still cases wherein one party might strive to make the situation…


Standard Parts of Child Support, Add Ons, Religious School and Extracurriculars

Child support payments are intended to ensure children can continue to receive the quality of life within the guidelines and earning abilities of the parents that is in the best interests of the children. This includes providing the child with a consistent level of schooling (education), health care, and support…


Understanding Credits and Divorce Maintenance Payments

It’s common in divorce cases for the less-monied spouse (the one with the lower income) to seek various forms of maintenance from the other spouse. It’s possible to work with your divorce or family law attorney to request both “temporary” maintenance, and post-divorce maintenance or to oppose the request for…


What Happens to Embryos In a Divorce?

There are a lot of important decisions that need to be made during a divorce. Separating the lives of two people, particularly after a number of years spent together can be extremely complex. Decisions need to be made not just about children and property, but in regard to crucial family…


Choosing Which State Laws to Apply in Matrimonial Law Cases

There are various complicated concepts which apply to legal cases in matrimonial law. Courts must consider the various components of each case on an individual basis, as the situation surrounding those involved can make a huge difference to the order made. One possible consideration which may emerge in some postnuptial,…


Calculating Arrears for Maintenance and the Guidelines

Maintenance is a common consideration in many divorce cases, wherein extra support needs to be offered to a specific spouse. In many divorces, the less-monied spouse seeks temporary maintenance to help with the costs of getting legal representation and supporting themselves when the divorce is ongoing. At times both temporary…


Special Needs Children, New York Law Extending Child Support an Introduction

During a divorce or separation between parents, and for parents that were never married, there are various issues which need to be considered to ensure the long-term safety and wellbeing of the child. In New York, the courts will often do everything in their power to ensure the negative impact…


Order of Protection Series (Part 6): How the Courts (Family and Others) Address Orders of Protection

If you’ve followed my bullet point series on orders of protection until now, you’ll know that these documents can be a common consideration in a range of divorce and family law cases. When a family “offense” takes place, causing danger to a specific member of the family unit, an order…


Order of Protection Series (Part 5): Immediate Hearings and Removal from Home

Welcome back to this series of bullet point guides on the topic of “Orders of Protection”. In this bullet point guide, I’m aiming to provide you with some useful information that may be helpful when making decisions about your Order of Protection case. Today’s segment of the bullet point guide…


Order of Protection Series (Part 3): Custody and Orders of Protection, and Time Limits

Welcome back to another issue in our family law Order of Protection Series. This guide follows the similar guides I’ve created in the past for child custody and equitable distribution. If you’d like to learn more about custody, orders of protection, and the other issues mentioned here, you can find…

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