Articles Posted in Name Change

Kitchenfeeding-300x200The law is designed to be a changeable concept, ready to adapt to our evolving perceptions of justice, and fairness. As the world has continued to evolve in the last few years, and communities around the world have begun demanding further recognition and acceptance of a person’s individual identity, the law has had to adapt accordingly.

In 2021, a new set of regulations began to roll out in New York, regarding Gender Recognition and Name Changes. This update, known as the “Gender Recognition Act” is continuing to have an impact on the way people can legally identify themselves in the eyes of the law today.

On this blog, I’ve already discussed some of the changes implemented by the Gender Recognition Act, and what they might mean to name changing law. Today, I’ll be looking a little closer at the mechanism provided by the Gender Recognition Act for New Yorkers petitioning to have the courts change their official sex designation.

Updating Gender Identity in the Eyes of the Law

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ParentsJeansKids-300x200Name changes are an important part of the family law landscape which can apply to a wide range of cases. There are various instances wherein a person might decide to change their name, their identity, or even their designated gender identifiers in today’s modern world. With the introduction of the new Gender Recognition Act, New York’s laws governing name changes have been updated and revamped.

The new guidelines, signed into law on June 24th, 2021, allow Transgender and non-binary residents of New York to have the documentation they need to accurately represent their gender identity. The act also ensures individuals seeking these forms of identification can access the right forms of protection.

If you’ve been looking into name change law or are considering changing your name in legal documentation to represent your gender identity, the following insights might prove useful. Continue reading ›

Closeupfamily-300x200The law is a changeable, dynamic, and ever-evolving concept. As our lives change, and the way we define “justice” becomes more refined, our legal guidelines continue to transform. This is why it’s so important to ensure you’re up to date with the latest versions of different laws in your state when you’re in the midst of or beginning to start a family law case.

If you’ve visited this website before, you’ll know I regularly use my blogs and articles as an opportunity to explain some of the laws which may be relevant to my clients. This sometimes involves offering an introduction to meaningful changes in certain legal guidelines.

Today, we’ll be looking at the “Gender Recognition Act”, a legal act which was signed into law officially on the 24th of June in 2021. This new Act has a significant impact on the legal processes surrounding the changing of a person’s name and gender marker. Continue reading ›

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