Articles Posted in Consultant

Swearing-In-300x211Even in situations where relationships end amicably, a divorce can be tricky to navigate. Marriage is more than just a word or a piece of paper, it’s a legal contract which binds the lives of two people together in a variety of different ways. During a divorce, attorneys, the parties involve, and the courts need to find a way to untangle the binds of a marriage, in a way that’s fair and just.

While some couples are able to reach agreements on things like equitable distribution and spousal maintenance through mediation sessions, many other cases end up in a court room. In most cases, a professional divorce attorney will utilize a number of tactics and tools to present the argument of their client in the best possible light to the judge in question.

One of the core tactics involved in many divorce proceedings, involves crafting a succinct, informative, and engaging opening statement. This statement both introduces the court to the case, and provides context into the requests being made by a specific party. Continue reading ›

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